Toward integrating technology at DAIS
Dr. Terrell Neuage blogging about life in China @
Sunday, September 11, 2011 10:00 AM
Learning2 conference ~ Shanghai September 2011
What I saw at the conference that will be useful for my role as technology integration coordinator. This will couple with my blog of useful information gathered whilst at the conference from Twitter.
In the past I have never gotten the most useful information from a conference when leaving it but that is what happened to me. I was hailing a taxi in front of the hotel when two people asked if they could share the ride to the airport. The one who by chance sat in the back with me was the middle school principal from the American International School of Guangzhou and the other was an upper school science teacher from the same school. My primary mission at the conference was to gather information about initiating a one-to-one laptop program and that is just what the middle school at the American International School of Guangzhou had done this school year ~ last month to be exact. Even though it was less than a half hour ride I got enough questions answered to bring to our school when we have our discussion on this in two days.
The rest of the conference was helpful in that there were contacts made and some useful websites were shared. The best part of a conference is to make contact and to be charged up by like-minded people, in this case educators who are integrating current concepts and technological practices into their classroom.