Collaborative Broadcast Journalism @ Dalian American International School Dalian China

contact Dr. Terrell Neuage course constructor

First notes regarding twinning our school for 2012 - 2013

Starting with the British Council programme called International School Awards and focusing on individual schools to collaborate with...

Also the British Council Schools team "World Class" from that I have started looking at how to start a collaborative broadcast project with my high school media courses and other schools, specifically in India and Australia

letter to anticipated participants...

schools involved

gmail account for these projects will be Broadcast Journalism

anti-language project

return to educational blog  to neuage blog

(c) Terrell Neuage 2012 syllabus for Broadcast Journalism 2012 - 2013 at Dalian American International School

Our rest of this school years timetable is - next Monday school re-starts on the 7th and our first semester ends the 21st of January, 7th - 18th January we have Chinese New Years break (I will be in Australia that time).Spring break is 22nd - 31st March and school ends 22nd June.

I have a middle school, grades 6 - 8, section in six week rotation that is a class on publication. That would be a good class for exchange of ideas, interviews, learning about one another. I have a new section of students, 10 - 13 students in two weeks. We call it applied studies and the students have six different courses each lasting six weeks.
My high school course is 'broadcast journalism' and is a year long course. We will begin a new project the 22nd of January. It would be interesting to work with another school on how news is perceived and broadcast. For example taking a similar world event story and exchanging how it is presented in our two countries. The only problem would be we teach in English so I am unable to understand how news is presented on a Chinese station. We listen to BBC, NBC and ABC (Australian Broadcasting Network). We are just completing a section on documentaries with students doing their documentary on what is in their life; for example, some are boarding at our school so they are doing a documentary on student life here, another is doing it on Model UN she is involved with another is doing a documentary on their hometown in Southern China. I really would like to try doing a collaborative documentary between our two schools.

Any ideas? 

What we have learned from using Skype is that we are good for about 15 minutes then it goes down and we have to re-connect. I do not know if that is a government issue or our Internet connection.

All social sites are blocked though teachers seem to be OK using a VPN service at home to access Facebook, Twitter, Youtube and etc.